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Cosmo's Midnight - Making The Perfect Balance

Sydney’s favourite twins, Cosmo’s Midnight, are maestros of the mix-n-match, purveyors of electronic beats, clad with a solid R’n’B sensibility, with a tasteful touch of the heart of house. Hailing from Sydney’s creative Inner West, the duo have curated a unique and distinctive sound that has earned them critical acclaim from all corners of the globe.

Futuremag Music: How’d you guys meet? ;) 

Cosmo's Midnight: We're actually twin brothers so we've known each other for a while! 

Futuremag Music: When did you both move into music; what sparked your interest?

Cosmo's Midnight: We probably got into music towards the end of high school when we started using Ableton on our brother's laptop. 

Futuremag Music: Was there any projects prior to Cosmo’s Midnight? How’d you come up with the concept?

Cosmo's Midnight: Before Cosmo's Midnight, we just made music as "cosmoandpat" as we didn't really know what else to call it. I (Cosmo) made a remix of a song at midnight and just saved the file as "Cosmo's Midnight remix". We thought it sounded pretty cool so we stuck with it. 

Futuremag Music: Do you remember your first ever Cosmo’s Midnight gig? What are some things you have learnt since then? Any tips you want to give for musos starting out a project?

Cosmo's Midnight: I'm pretty sure our first Cosmo's Midnight show was supporting xxyyxx in Sydney. We were very nervous and our live show was very basic at that point. Over time we've learned to inject more live aspects into the show, and get the flow and energy of the set perfect. For people just starting out, I think it's good to try and find your style before putting stuff out, but don't be too precious either. I know lots of talented people who are too scared to show their music even though it's really good. Don't be afraid because talent is always recognised eventually.

Futuremag Music: The art style is incredible! Is it an internal affair to create, or do you out source? Who does the graphics? What is the process of creating such pieces.

Cosmo's Midnight: Our single artworks for 'History' and 'Mind off' are by the artist Charlotte Mei. It's kind of like Matisse, and we really wanted something that was lively and simple, in the fauvist style.

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post

Futuremag Music: You’re making your We The Fest debut in August! What are you most looking forward to about the festival?

Cosmo's Midnight: We're really excited to be playing our first festival in Indonesia! Especially since a lot of the other acts playing are friends of ours. 

Futuremag Music: If ‘Cosmo’s Midnight’ was a cocktail. What would be in it to best describe yourselves and your music?

Cosmo's Midnight: Hmmm right now my favourite cocktails have gin in them. So probably something gin based like a Charlie Chaplin or a Negroni. Gin is a natural botanical drink that is quite bitter, but mixed with other stuff it's the perfect balance. Hopefully like our music. 

Futuremag Music: What does the future hold for you two?

Cosmo's Midnight: The future looks bright, we're writing lots of music and doing a lot of touring so we just want to keep moving forward progressing and finding our niche.