Creative Conversations 026: RARIA's Relationship Advice
Words by Brooklyn Gibbs
We caught up with Melbourne-based musician RARIA as she unveils her new release ‘Break Up With Her’. Co-written and produced by Rory Noble (Kanye West, Twice As Nice, Jupiter Project), ‘Break Up With Her’ is an infectious slice of guitar-driven pop music. Diving into RARIA’s rich pop world as she breaks down the intricacies of her new single.
Futuremag Music: You recently released a new single, ‘Break Up With Her’. How does it feel to have this song baby out here?
RARIA: I am SOOO happy it is finally out in the world. I’ve been holding onto this song for months now and at first, I was really anxious about releasing it, as it’s about someone I hold close to my heart still. But once it released, I was kind of relieved that my story was out for others to hopefully relate to. Everyone has been so supportive of this new song; I honestly have the most supportive listeners.
Futuremag Music: ‘Break Up With Her’ describes the experience of seeing an ex partner move on with someone new. Do you mind sharing your experience with this feeling and how it inspired this song?
RARIA: I was really close friends with my ex at the time he started talking to someone new. I was really happy for him until I was no longer aloud to be a part of his life as his new girlfriend didn’t like us being friends. After being let go of, I felt really upset about the whole situation and decided to turn to writing. When they became official on social media, I remember feeling my heart drop a little. And not because I was still in love with him, but simply because it is always going to hurt seeing someone you once loved... love somebody else. My song wasn’t written to hurt anyone's feelings, it was written because those were the emotions I was feeling at the time and I decided to put those emotions into a song instead of letting them turn into anger.
Futuremag Music: This is obviously quite a personal experience for you. When going through such raw emotions, how do you best get these thoughts from your mind into a song as catchy as this one?
RARIA: I always make sure I team up with another great songwriter and producer so all of our thoughts can come together and hopefully make something that can be remembered. I don’t hold back in writing sessions. At the start of every session I tell my producer & co-writer (if I have one) what I'm feeling and going through at the very moment and then we simply feed off of those feelings and attempt to write a BANGA
Futuremag Music: This is unfortunately an experience many of your listeners would have gone through at least once, and some are even perhaps going through it currently, too. How do you hope this song helps them through that hard time?
RARIA: I hope that if any of my listeners have experienced this or are currently experiencing this.. that it’s a part of life. It happens to everybody at least once in their life. I want them to also know that they aren’t alone and these heartbreaks you go through all happen for a reason. The reason as to why you’ve gone through all this pain may not be super clear now or even in 6 month's time. But down the track you’ll realise why it never worked out and you’ll be so much stronger and happier because of it all.
Futuremag Music: This single was co-written and produced by Rory Noble. What was it like working with him on this release and how did you know he was the perfect fit for this project?
RARIA: Rory is one of the most talented producers out there. He has this way of turning my pain and anger into magic. That sounds super cheesy but it’s true. When we work together, we always come out with something that’s worth releasing!
Futuremag Music: This single, along with your last, has begun your journey to leading a new wave of nostalgia-driven, electric pop. What draws you to this sound? And how do you plan to shape this and develop this sound further in your future work?
RARIA: I always love listening to songs that make me sad or want to cry. I feel like that’s really weird but it’s the truth! Happy songs just don’t do it for me! So, when I started this artist project, that’s the sound I wanted to create. I don’t want my listeners to cry obviously when they hear my music, but I do want my songs to bring up a feeling and remind them of something or someone and connect to it. And maybe even hopefully give them a tiny bit of hope and closure at the same time.
Futuremag Music: On that note, I hear you plan to make a dynamic and lasting impact. What does this mean to you as an artist and how do you plan to reach this goal?
RARIA: I hope my music encourages people to be open and honest about everything they do in life. Go tell the boy you like that you might have fallen for him. Go tell that ex of yours that what he did still hurts you, if that's what brings you closure. I hope my listeners hear how honest I am through my lyrics and it makes them feel empowered to do so too. Life is way too short to not say how you feel.
Futuremag Music: What’s next in your musical journey?
RARIA: Many more songs, and hopefully many shows once the world gets back to normal! I can’t wait to perform these songs live and see everyone's reactions to them.
RARIA (Provided)