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Creative Conversations 036: GVY Is Here For You

Words by Luke Byatt

Earlier this year, GVY introduced us to an old soul, R’n’B groove with his debut single ‘Fallout’, now he’s back ‘For You’. We caught up with GVY to chat over his brand new single, history with music and the project as a whole.

Futuremag Music: Hey GVY, how's sunny Queensland treating you?

GVY: Hey Futuremag Music, it’s treating me amazingly well. Life up here has been mostly uninterrupted for the last few months so we’re really lucky to be living the good life right now. 

Futuremag Music: How did the GVY project come about? Could you provide some insight to your history with music?

GVY: The GVY project came about through my desire to make my own musical identity and sound. I played in different bands and projects since I was about 14, but never ever had the self-belief to chase the music that I heard in my head. I would always rely on the other musical minds around me to take the driver’s seat and I would just fill in the gaps when needed. I think it’s so easy to play down your own ability so much, it doesn’t take long before you convince yourself that you’re only there to serve the talents of people around you. Last year I hit a fork in the road where I could either start my own thing or do nothing at all. I can’t imagine my life without making music; it’s my passion, it’s my crutch, it’s my outlet for processing all the highs and lows we go through. So I chose to back myself, go to work, and started learning to produce. The situation wasn’t in my control but I’m so glad because it gave me the push that I had been too scared to give myself for years. 

Futuremag Music: Congratulations on the release of 'For You', it's a wonderful sophomore single! Could you outline the writing and production process? 

GVY: Thank you so much! I’m a night-owl so the majority of my writing and producing happens at night. That definitely influences my sounds and lyrics in a huge way; I think there’s an inherent intimate nature and vibe there. I wrote ‘For You’ in totally different circumstances. It was late last year when I had some time off so the entire thing was written and produced during the day. I wanted to try and write something that started off in my usual chill but built up to a ‘pull-the-rug’ chorus moment. 

The lyrical content of the song contains a multitude of feelings. There’s lust, a bit of embarrassment, and some self-frustration. Songwriting for me is one of the key ways for me to process emotions past and present. To try and create a juxtaposition between the elaboration of those feelings in the verses, I knew I wanted a really direct vocal hook in the chorus. I kept it to one simple phrase: ‘For You’, so I could inject as much passion and emotion into the delivery as I could.  

Futuremag Music: Where's GVY headed for the rest of 2020 and into 2021?

GVY: I’m super busy banking up more and more music to get out there. Sonically and technically I have a lot to work on and so many ideas that I’m keen to manifest. A big 2021 goal for me is to get a live show up to scratch and start playing in front of people. To me, it’s a platform unlike any other because it’s a chance for an artist to connect with their audience in a really special way, and god knows there’s been so little of it this year. Might try for another cheeky track drop before the year is out, but I’m mostly itching for a 2021 filled with new music, new friends, and live shows. 

Futuremag Music: To wrap it up, our classic cocktail question! If GVY was a cocktail, what would be in it?

GVY: I would say GVY is like a Sazerac… Cognac for smooth complexity; absinthe for dark regretful pasts; a sugar cube for a little sweetness; dash of bitters, served in an old-fashioned glass with a lemon garnish for a pop of zest and colour on top. 

GVY (Provided)

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