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CREATIVE CONVERSATIONS 099: We could probs listen to Aless Arias newest single for '45 hours' repeated!

Interview by Sam Elliott and Matilda Elliott.

Aless Arias is a Western Sydney icon, who will soon be a national treasure! 

Bumbling into a show and catching Aless as a fellow punter, we greedily, after a few months of frothing over her single release in June and music video for the track, Evolve, ask Aless how she is going creatively and if we can expect anything on the horizon. 

Aless is beaming with excitement which in turn makes us hungry for her news. She is keen to tell us that she has been working hard in the studio and that we can expect a new single AND music video. A watch this space moment that left both of us ecstatic. 

Fast forward back to the present day with us and we are blessed to have both single and music video for the newest track from Aless Arias, 45 Hours.

This is a great one. What we love about Aless is the thought and care that goes into all the work she does. Her musings are just as beautiful vocally as they are technical. You can tell that she has taken the time to figure out what will make the track become the very best it can be!

Penciling down thoughts, ideas, dreams and anything in between, our journaling icon was inspired by artists like Paramore, Phoebe Bridges, Soccer Mommy and The 1975. Her talent and the guitar gave life to these musings to create the great sounds we hear from Aless Arias today! 

Your twins got a chance to have a chat with Aless and talk about the new single, but also everything in between!

FMM: You’ve been a busy icon this year! You’ve just released 45 hours, the second single under the Aless Arias project. How has it been working on these projects?

Aless: It’s been so exciting to watch it all come to life! I wrote 45 Hours at the beginning of 2022 and had the idea for the music video almost immediately. It’s been rewarding to see my ideas come to life and pursue the Aless Arias project!

FMM: What we love about both of these songs is that we really get a nice insight into your life and your feelings at the time you had written them. Is this something you enjoy doing in your songs?

Aless: I love songs that summarise such a specific moment in a simple sentence or verse; music that evokes a certain memory or has a nostalgic element. I’ve tried really hard to do that in my music. I just want to write music that is honest and resonates, so I find writing about what I’m feeling or experiencing in that moment is a great way to do so.

FMM: What is it like as an artist releasing music that may have a bit of a vulnerable side to it. Does it get easier with each release?

Aless: It definitely gets a little less scary! But sharing music that is vulnerable can be intimidating sometimes, especially when you’ve written about people you know or specific experiences. Sometimes I wonder if they know I’ve written a certain line about them (laughs). But, it’s all part of the creative process. You get used to it after a while. It’s really special to be able to share your art with people by sharing authentic stories.

FMM: Do you have an ideal writing process?

Aless: When it comes to lyrics, I love to journal and am always writing little phrases in my Notes app or physically in a journal. I just jot ideas down anytime they come to me. When I’m ready to write a song, I’ll sit down with my guitar and play around until I find something I like. Once I have a chord progression, I’ll have a look at any of the lines I’ve written recently, see what jumps out and then build on the lyrics from there. I like to let the process flow naturally and let the song evolve without overthinking it too much.

FMM: 45 hours is your newest single and it is simply amazing. We love how stripped back the sound is so we can get an amazing listen of your voice. Can you tell us a bit about what this song means to you?

Aless: 45 Hours is essentially about feeling stifled by your routine – knowing there’s so much more out there for you but you are so burnt out that you can’t drag yourself out of it.

But, sometimes the only way out is through! At the time, I just kept pushing myself to write and out came 45 Hours. It’s one of my favourite songs that I’ve written so far. It’s probably one of the more meaningful ones too. It taught me how to make something special and positive out of something difficult. I like that it captures my frustration at the time but also has a *tiny* bit of hope.

FMM: It’s really nice for listeners to get a background on your feelings and we think it’s so nice you’re in touch and able to share them. Has this always been something you’ve been able to draw from?

Aless: I’ve been journaling since I was 10 or 11, so I’ve always written about my feelings. Over the last few years, I’ve journaled more regularly and I’d like to think it’s given me the skills to share my feelings and really understand them. A lot of my lyrics are pulled straight from my journals as well.

FMM: You’ve also just put out the music video for 45 hours! Can you tell us a bit about the creative direction behind this one?

Aless: Ahhh!! The 45 Hours music video. When I wrote this song I knew exactly what I wanted the video to look like. I really wanted to have all my friends as my co-workers and show the menial routine of a desk job. The message is simple; you may be tired of the daily routine, but your friends are always there for you to bring the mood up and make you feel better.

I worked on the video with a team of incredible Western Sydney creatives – Gillian Kayrooz directed the video. We also went to high school together and she is one of my best friends, and Pretty Boy Creative who filmed, edited and produced the video. Plus, so many of my close friends were in the video which was really special.

FMM: We love your style of video. It really gives us a glimpse into your world but also your creative vision! What is the process like creating these videos and do you have inspiration there?

Aless: I’ve always loved coming up with visuals! I love pulling ideas from books, movies, songs, music videos and art – anything creative really! I recorded three songs earlier this year – two which are out already (Evolve and 45 Hours) – and immediately I knew they would be a trilogy. They also have a very nostalgic vibe so I’ve enjoyed emphasising that throughout all the visual concepts for the songs.

My first music video had a blue theme, so I wanted 45 Hours to have a green theme. I think my next single and video will have a pink theme. I just love how fun and visually striking it is when you pick a colour and run with it. Plus my favourite show as a kid was The Powerpuff Girls so I can’t help but incorporate that too.

FMM: You just did an amazing set at Parramatta lanes! Can you tell us what that was like?

Aless: Thank you! It was really fun. I haven’t played a live show since 2016 so it felt so good to be on stage again. I got a band together and we learnt the whole set in three weeks! It was such a fun and rewarding experience that reignited my passion for playing live. I can’t wait to play more shows next year.

FMM: Can you tell us a bit about what an Aless Arias show is like?

I just want people to connect with my music and have a good time!

So, there you have it - Aless Arias is taking over the world and we could not be happier. Keep an eye on this icon as she plans to release more tracks, a music video and hopefully play some more live shows soon!