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Interview by Brooke Gibbs.

Christmas is at risk and Santa needs to bring beers to the people!

“The time has come to end the year, and celebrate with Christmas cheer, but first we must make one thing clear, get on the, get on the, get on the beers! So, the next chapter of this story, is this quirky take on Christmas with an Aussie twist.

Electronic music act Mashd N Kutcher have published their first ever book release: 'Get on The Beers: A Christmas Story.'

Futuremag Music’s Brooke Gibbs caught up with the duo’s Matt Minor to talk about the most important things at Christmas time - beers, pubs, and dinner parties!

FMM: Huge congrats on your first ever book release! That sounds super exciting! How did you celebrate?

Matt:  Haha! The only appropriate way of course, a couple of cold ones!

FMM: What has the reaction to it been like so far?

 Matt: It’s actually been unreal. Definitely did not anticipate the response it has gotten.

FMM: The release of this book follows the success of your song, Get on the Beers. How did the idea of publishing a book come about?

 Matt: People seem to have embraced the humour of the song, so we thought it might translate well to other platforms.

FMM: The book has already received such well-deserved success since its launch! It topped Amazon in less than an hour and became the highest-ranked book title in a 24-hour period for the year. You must be stoked! How does it feel to have this sort of success from your first published book?

 Matt: Nothing surprises us with this song haha. It’s a wild rollercoaster.

FMM: For anyone who hasn’t read the book yet, how would you describe what they’re missing out on?

 Matt: Essentially it’s the greatest Australian story ever told. Well, it’s up there! Christmas is at risk. Santa needs to bring the beers to the people!

FMM: Get on the Beers is a Christmas story about beers, pubs and dinner parties. How will you be celebrating Christmas this year?

 Matt: With all of the above!

FMM: What does ‘getting on the beers’ look like to you? 

Matt: Well, I mean you can’t just have one can you? Anyone who’s trying to convince their mate to come out with ‘aw just pop out for one,’ it’s never one. We all know this. Lies.

 FMM: Your song that this is based off, features some snippets of a Dan Andrews conference speech. Has he made any comment on his involvement in inspiring the hit and book? It would be interesting to see Dan read it as some story time press event!

 Matt: That would actually be hilarious haha! Haven’t heard from Dan, though. Might post him a copy for Christmas. 

FMM: Did you guys illustrate the book too? You have a great mix of talents - musicians, writers, artists. Are there any other hidden talents we don’t know about?

 Matt: I very poorly attempted a bunch of sketches which, to be honest, looks below kindy standard. However, very fortunately worked with a super talented illustrator who understood the mission.

FMM: How long did a project like this take? Do you mind sharing the process about how it all came about?

Matt: Took about three months from inception to market. This was the first time we’ve ventured into the book publishing space so YouTube was definitely our best friend.

FMM: What do you hope readers take away from the story?

 Matt: A laugh, share it with friends, good vibes all round, really.

FMM: Would you ever write more books in the future following the success of this one? What other themes would you like to write about?

Matt: I think it could be fun. I don’t see why as a music act, we should restrict ourselves to just one form of media. I think if we can entertain in one area, why not explore others?

FMM: In three words, why should anyone reading this go and purchase Get on the Beers: A Christmas Story?

Matt: It’s. A. Crackup.

FMM: What’s next for you guys? Any music updates you would like to share and let people know about? Any other projects in the works?

 Matt: Touring Australia during December, bringing the mash machine to Asia in Jan. Big 2023 ahead!

FMM: Any other comments you would like to add?

 Matt: The next single release is going to turn a few heads. Watch this space!

Purchase the book HERE.

Hear more from Mashd N Kutcher below.

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