Futuremag Music

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Interview by Brooke Gibbs.

24-year-old Sydney-based hip hop artist Earnest Jackson has returned after a three-year hiatus, with new single, THREEFOUR. The song is a laid back, sexy tune that captures the feeling of lust-at-first-sight.

FMM: What an exciting week for you. You've got your release coming out in a few days. How are you feeling leading up to it?

EJ: Yeah, good. I'm excited. It's been a few years since I've put out any music, so I'm starting to get that buzz again. I've been studying for the last three years, so I've sort of been focused on my studies, and now I'm out of that. I'm really, really excited to be sharing music again and to get this out.

FMM: Yeah, it sounds like a great time, too, because studying can take up so much of your time. You’ve done that chapter and you're getting that inspiration again to write. You mentioned that buzz, so what are some things that brought that buzz back into your music?

EJ: Well, that's a good question. This single is the first track off of my debut EP, which I'm putting out later this year, and all of these tracks I created with my good friend, Tobias Priddle. It's sort of a new step for my sound. It's a little more commercial. There's more follow through, I think. Previously, I've put out singles that have been in completely different sonic worlds to what I put out previously. It was me just experimenting and finding my sound. I feel like with this single and then what's coming next, I finally have a little more cohesion, and I feel like I've settled a little more into what is Ernest Jackson? What is this project? That's why I'm really buzzed about it.

FMM: That sounds great because I saw you mention on Instagram that this would be a new era for you and your music. Reflecting on that, what are some things that you want this new era to represent, and what do you hope people take away from the new era?

EJ: That's actually a really good question. I guess this era is taking the people who've been with me on my journey so far into this new, kind of more slick production world that I'm inhabiting and hopefully introducing new fans to this. What is Ernest Jackson? Because I'm Jackson, and Ernest Jackson is who I inhabit when I make music. And like me personally as Jackson, I'm quite a shy, introverted person. But, when I put on Ernest Jackson, I get to come out and I get to become this charismatic, confident, cheeky, groovy person I dream of being. That really comes out in my live shows. I tend to really bring an energy that I don't know where it comes from, but I get up on stage and sort of just switch into this thing where it's electric. I'm hoping that with this new sound and this new era, I get to kind of take that to a new level and also bring in a new crowd, because I'm in Sydney now. I've come from Melbourne, so I feel like I might be reaching this kind of new height, creatively that is going to match where I'm at location wise, because I think Sydney probably suits my sound a little more. It's very bright, it's very energetic and fun, and I think this is the right place for it.

FMM: I think so, too, because I'm originally from Sydney and just seeing the opportunities coming out of Sydney and the venues, it sounds like you're in the right place to be to put out a new chapter to your music. It sounds like you wearing two hats and you're kind of living your own little Hannah Montana life with being shy in your everyday life, but then on stage, you're a whole new person.

EJ: 100%, yes.

FMML Looking at this particular release that's coming out in a few days, you've mentioned it was inspired by that love-at-first-sight feeling. Can you ellaborate more on that?

EJ: Yeah, well, I think Ernest, he's a cheeky guy. When I get on stage, you know, some songs I like to put out, it's all about feeling yourself and feeling confident in yourself, feeling proud of yourself and able to let go of your inhibitions, be wild, dance and to be sexy and all that kind of thing. That is a theme that's kind of followed through my last few singles, so then when I'm on stage, I feel this magic moment where I keep making these little connections that are just in the moment of being on stage when you're with an audience and fall in love with whoever's in the room immediately. I kept walking away from that going, I gotta make a song that captures that feeling of that magic moment. That’s what inspired the song.

FMM: I love that you mentioned the cheekiness, because that's what I love about the music video. The music video is so fun and cheeky. It's got all those elements. What do you hope people take away from the visual message of it?

EJ: Honestly, I just hope people have a good time with it. We had a lot of fun. The team who made it with me just going, like, how cheeky can we get and still make it YouTube friendly? We were kind of inspired by all sorts of things, everything from Austin Powers to Burt Reynolds, kind of Tom Selleck early, kind of hairy-chested gods, if you will. If nothing else, if you come away from watching it, having had a little giggle, but also being like I might put this on next time I'm trying to get ready for a night out or I'm trying to get into the mood, that would be a win for me.

FMM: Yeah, it's definitely a fun video, and I see what you mean by the balance between having a cheeky video, but also thinking hopefully YouTube isn't going to restrict this.

EJ: Yeah, yeah. Delicate balance. Absolutely. I'm always trying to push myself out of my comfort zone in my art and trying to see what am I comfortable with and what is something I'm interested in exploring. There's a fair bit of almost nudity in this video where that was the challenge for me of going, I think this would be funny. I'm always pedaling this message of self love. So let's see, can I really embody that? And I think we've succeeded. I feel proud of it.

FMM: Yeah, I feel like it's a perfect video for a come back after a three-year study break.

EJ: Thanks so much.

FMM: You mentioned the EP is coming up, so would the EP follow the same themes? Or what can we expect from that?

EJ: Yeah, absolutely, the EP is four tracks. They're all in this world that's laid back and cheeky and a little bit sexy. It's all groovy and, yeah, I think there's definitely follow through in the themes. The next song that's going to come about, the next single is all about falling. So, like, falling in love, falling in lust, that kind of thing. That's all I have to say on that at the moment, but definitely more to come on that front.

FMM: Because this is your first release after such a big break, do you have any big celebrations planned? What's in store for release week?

EJ: Oh, that's a good question. I mean, it's funny. Because I'm from Melbourne and I've been studying for the past three years, I feel like I haven't got a huge community in Sydney yet. I'm still building that up, so I'll probably be doing a lot of FaceTiming with my pals back home, my collaborators back home, and then probably have some friends around and have a little bit of a viewing party or something for the music video. Should be good.

FMM: Yeah, you have to do some sort of online streaming party or viewing party where you can share your screens and just all watch it at the same time.

EJ: Yeah, that'd be super fun. That's a good idea.

FMM: Do you have any live performances coming up or how can people support you other than listening to your music?

EJ: Yeah, well, at the moment, I've just committed to doing a support slot for my first gig in Sydney at the Botany View Hotel, which I'm really excited about. That's coming up late July, so I'll have more details on that soon and then otherwise it's just checking out socials and give me a follow to see what comes next