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CREATIVE CONVERSATIONS 075: DARCY LANE sends us on a transcendent journey down our spines

Words by Patrick Staveley.

Talented singer/songwriter Darcy Lane has released her new single Spines in a gorgeous new version of her original song. Excitingly, she has more music releases on the horizon and we can’t wait to see what she comes produces next. Futuremag Music spoke to Darcy about her experiences in the Australian music industry, her relief of being able to release this track and what else is on the cards in the near future!

FMM: I really love your new single Spines. Congrats on the new release! I feel the track takes you through a bit of a transcendent journey and you can find yourself get lost in it. What inspired this particular atmosphere and mood that this song provides?

Darcy: Thank you so much. This song is about admitting to feelings that have been buried and ignored for a long time, so I think the mood stems from this feeling. Alex McIntyre (aka Lola Scott), who produced the song, brought the dark, pop sounds to the table which was super refreshing and exciting when I heard the first edit. I think the production elevates the atmosphere of the song and adds to the mystery of the story behind the song.

FMM: Can you tell me a bit more about your experience in the Australian music industry? This is just your second single to come out on Spotify, but you’ve shared the stage with Pacific Avenue, Miramar and supported Iluka. Where can we expect to find more music of yours? Who else have you worked with in the past?

Darcy: I have gotten some great opportunities so far supporting amazing local artists that I am such a big fan of. I have been writing for years and have a lot of content to get out there. I have been working with Alex as a producer for a couple of years now and we have even written a couple of tracks together. Hopefully, I will be able to get some more of these tracks out before the end of the year.

FMM: The release of a new song can feel like such a weight off the shoulders after tireless work for so long. Is that what it felt like for you? Talk me through some of the emotions of getting this work of art out into the open?

FMM: Haha! You hit the nail on the head there! It was a big relief to release Spines. I had previously released the song with completely different, more stripped-back production. So, it feels super exciting to finally release this version of the song. This was the first song I wrote that I felt comfortable enough sharing with people, so it feels super surreal and almost nostalgic for people to be listening to this version of it so long after I wrote it.

FMM: The Australian music industry can be quite the beast to break into. What do you think is the most difficult aspect of trying to make it as an artist?

Darcy: In my experience, the industry isn’t exactly set up for the ease of the artist. It is all super convoluted in terms of artists and rights and how to go about releasing things. This was tough to get my head around initially, but I got there in the end. I have also been fortunate enough to have learnt from the experiences of the people I have worked with. I think for me, this release has been a massive learning curve and I guess you just need to get out there and do it to learn how it all works.

FMM: It’s hard enough to get people to listen once your music is out there, but it’s possibly harder to actually be seen in a sense. How do you think this issue can be rectified to give more of a chance to fresh talent?

Darcy: I think if everyone shifts their mindset a little and is more open to supporting local, emerging artists, they will realise there are some bloody cool things coming out of Australia that we should all get behind. There are some really simple ways to support emerging artists. Streaming the songs, following on socials and Spotify for example are really easy ways to do this.

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