Futuremag Music

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Interview by Brooke Gibbs.

Featuring a tightly curated line-up, 1MXSYD at The Hordern Pavilion on Sunday 8th October, is an opportunity to for music lovers to see established and emerging Australian and Asian musical artists, including Dami Im, William Singe, KZ Tandingan, Ben&Ben, Maymay, Bini, Keenan Te, and Milky Day perform live.

Futuremag Music caught up with William Singe before the festival to see what he had in store for his performance.

FMM: You must be having an incredibly busy week leading up to the festival! How are you preparing for your performance?

Will: I’ve just spent the last three or four days rehearsing in Melbourne with the musicians who will be in my set and making sure my set is nice and tight. That and obviously, just warming my voice up every day is the biggest thing as well.

FMM: Definitely, and we are very excited to see your performance. What can we expect?

Will: A bit of old Will Singe, a bit of throwbacks to the 2015 and then a bit of new stuff. I’m excited to showcase it all for you guys.

FMM: Absolutely, and it must be nice to be back in Sydney. I’ve been following your journey since The X Factor days and I know you’ve been overseas for a bit, and now you’re back. How does it feel?

Will: Oh, it’s beautiful. This is my home, so it’s nice to be back and I’m all settled down here. I’ve got a family and I got to travel the world and live on the other side of the world for five years. It was a beautiful experience, but it’s always nice to be back in my hometown.

FMM: Of course, and it’s incredible what you’ve achieved in that time.

Will: Aww, thank you. I appreciate that.

FMM: What I love most about this event is that it celebrates Asian-Australian performers. What are some exciting things coming out of this culture?

Will: I think there’s so much untapped Asian talent and I think people are actually starting to give it the time it deserves, especially in the Western cultures. We get overlooked a bit and it’s a beautiful thing to showcase the talent of all the different cultures. You’ve got the Philippines, the Chinese, Japanese. It’s a beautiful thing and I think it’s starting to get the recognition it deserves. It’s nice to have something to celebrate.

FMM: There’s so many incredible artists on this lineup! Who are you most looking forward to seeing?

Will: I’m looking forward to seeing Keenan. I haven’t seen him perform live, yet. I know how talented the guy is. I just dropped by a studio session the other day in Melbourne, so I’m excited to see his set. I’m also really excited to see Ben&Ben because I hear a lot of great things about them. You don’t see a massive band like that very often, so that will be cool. Obviously, as well, Dami Im. Her voice is incredible so it would be cool to actually see that live for the first time.