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Du0 Interview - Excited With The Unknown

We caught up with Brisbane producer, composer and writer, Du0 ahead of QMusic’s Amplify songwriting camp. Du0’s songwriting has already received well-deserved recognition with an LA Music Award and as a finalist at the International Songwriting Competition. We spoke to Ryan, the legend behind Du0 about Amplify, and the future of the project.

Futuremag Music: Hey Du0, congratulations on being selected for QMusic's Amplify songwriting retreat!

Du0: Thank you, it’s very exciting!

Futuremag Music: What are you looking forward to at Amplify?

Du0: I’m most looking forward to the collaboration and writing songs with artists from different genres.  I’ve been checking out the other artist’s music and am blown away by their talent.  So to have the opportunity to work with them is very exciting. 

Futuremag Music: What goes into writing a release? How does writing and producing a track alter when working by yourself or with other people?

Du0: For me, everything starts on an acoustic guitar with the chords then vocal melody – I record all my ideas into my phone, so I can go back over them.  From there I start to produce it out in the studio and see what direction suits the track stylistically.  Finally come the lyrics - they are the bit that take me the longest.  I try to say simple things in a way that it hasn't been said before, which can be really hard to do. It has been a while since I’ve written songs with other people, so am excited with the unknown and learning how others approach the writing process.

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Futuremag Music: What does the future hold for the Du0 project?

Du0: Firstly, I’m hopeful that something great will come from the retreat, that we can release almost straight away.  Then from there I've got some new tunes finished and will target another single, followed by my debut EP later in the year.  In the meantime, I’ve also been putting together my live show – so am very excited to take my music to the live arena!