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Isaac Cavallaro - I Will Not Let You Down (ft. Zefereli)

By Jez Ryan

Australian producer Isaac Cavallaro delivers his third single, ‘I Will Not Let You Down’, a lush, atmospheric cut of electronica featuring the golden voice of Brisbane singer/songwriter, Zefereli.
Between travelling and playing drums in the Caribbean, Isaac Cavallaro has found his rhythm amongst a global scene. The result: a strong, driven track boasting an intriguing composition that evokes calypso sounds of the Caribbean — steel drums, a primal freeness — and a modern soundscape with auto-tuned vocals and futurist textures.
“Overall the track is fairly important to me as it's the first time I have really invested this much
energy into a song. It captures a fairly significant chapter in my life where a lot seems to have changed for me fairly quickly and things only look to be speeding up. I feel everyone can relate to times where life opens and closes doors at a rate that in a years time you find yourself in a location you could not have predicted, and yet it feels strangely familiar and totally uncomfortable at the same time.” - Isaac Cavallaro
On top of Isaac Cavallaro’s provocative production is Zefereli’s vocals which act as an anchor; a sense of security in such a liberating track.
For Cavallaro, working with Zefereli was also a trust and let go experience.
“This is the first time I've given my featured vocalist the freedom to bring the lyrics and melodies to the table. With my last two releases I've written all the lyrics and melodies where as this time I wanted to see what Zefereli could develop on his own.” Isaac Cavallaro

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post