Futuremag Music

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King IV - Bump

YASSS QUEEENNNN!!! King IV just dropped a banger and I'm losing my shit!

I'm in love with 'Bump', a track that is brimming with attitude, and high-octane energy. 'Bump' is a compelling and outrageously great track. Working with JoyLuck Studios, King IV has build upon her signature take of electro-pop with harsh beats, an edgy topline, and an overall commanding demeanour. 'Bump' is one of the strongest performances from King IV, and is a fundamental step forward for the artist.

King IV continues to blow me away with every release... I can't wait for the next one! One thing for certain, 'Bump' is going to be on repeat for the next eternity.

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post