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LX Mason Interview - Dance Your Worries Away

Meet LX Mason, one of Australia's newest pop musos to enter the scene. The Sydney based artist's debut single 'I Don't' made waves, and now LX Mason is set to release more sensational tunes. We had a small chat with LX Mason about his start in music, his debut single, and the future of the project.

Futuremag Music: Hey LX Mason, how’ life? Jumping straight into it, how’d you move into music? 

LX Mason: Life is good! Music for me has always been a bit of a wrestle to be honest, it’s never been the right time and I wasn’t in the right headspace for it until now. So now that things have lined up it’s kind of a surreal feeling! 

Futuremag Music: You’re debut single ‘I Don’t’ is sensational. Can you talk us through the writing and production process? What’s your favourite aspect of the track?

LX Mason: Thanks so much  yeah, so one day I kinda just had this chorus idea and concept of like a “clapback to the haters” but also battling against inner doubts. I took that melody to my buddy St Humain and we legit just wrote the melody for the rest of the songs on a futon in my garage. After about a week I had the test of the lyrics and went into production with him! 

My favourite aspect of the track is the fact that it’s a heavy concept that people can relate too, but it’s a track that people can dance to. Kind of like a "dance your worries away" type vibe. And the drop gets me so hype. 

Futuremag Music: What can fans expect from you in the future?

LX Mason: Fans, that's surreal man. Well, they can expect me to be more honest and vulnerable with my music, and hopefully being able to relate to it and have something to connect with. The plan is to release more singles this year and to get an EP going for 2019. But definitely stay tuned on my socials, I could drop something unexpected  

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