ODESZA - A Moment Apart LP
Over the past couple of months, ODESZA have thrown their fans a few teasers from their A Moment Apart LP, by drip feeding stellar singles on an almost bimonthly basis. Now that the album is out in full it has garnered and maintained its aura of cosmic bliss, and discovery. Unlike other albums that have been released in segments, A Moment Apart has not lost any of its delight when listening for the first time.
“Do you know the story of the Russian Cosmonaut?” Are the first words that resonate from your speakers when you hit play on A Moment Apart. This opening line is a tease to the stimulating, multidimensional ambulatory electronic soundscape that is A Moment Apart. This seducing soundscape is best manifested in ODESZA's striking tracks, 'Line of Sight (feat. WYNNE & Mansionair)', 'Late Night', 'Meridian, 'Thin Floors And Tall Ceilings', and various other sublime slices throughout the album's duration. With surging, epic electronic scores A Moment Apart explores the human condition through intoxicating vocal performances, and purposeful production.
Each individual track is its own masterpiece that meanders the soundscape with grace, and beauty. All in all, ODESZA have nailed this one.
You can buy/stream A Moment Apart HERE
“The album’s about perspective, and it’s about changing your perspective and not looking at something just at surface level. If there’s a theme of the album, that’s it.”