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Interview by Brooke Gibbs.

Following his much-deserved success from Boys Don’t Cry, Oliver Cronin has delighted us with his debut EP, Beautiful Nightmare.

With an EP as good as this, it comes as no surprise that Purple Sneakers titled Oliver as one of the most exciting future global exports.

Futuremag’s Brooke Gibbs caught up with Oliver following the release of his EP.

FMM: Huge congrats on your Beautiful Nightmare EP release! How did you celebrate the release?

OLIVER CRONIN: Thank you! I was actually on the plane home from LA when the EP dropped so it was all kind of a blurr, honestly I’d say I celebrated with a good night sleep lol. 

FMM: What has the reaction been like so far to the release?

Oliver: It’s been incredible! All the messages and support I’ve received has been overwhelming. I am truly thankful to everyone who played a part in the project.

FMM: My personal favourite from the EP is Exit. I understand Exit is a big focus moment for you as you step into a new chapter of your career and life. Could you please share more about this personal growth and what it means for you to exit?

Oliver: The past three or so years have been a rollercoaster. I found myself in a position where I felt lost. I wasn’t happy with my direction and the music I was making didn’t feel genuine. I spent the next year exploring myself, figuring out who I wanted to be and making the music I wanted to make. Exit was one of the first songs I made where it really felt like me. It’s the first song I’ve released that I’ve been really proud of and it’s a taste of what’s to come.

FMM: What have you learned about yourself through this process?

Oliver: As cliche as it sounds, I really believe I can change the world with my music. During the last few years, I really feel like I’ve found my voice and my purpose, and I hope that my music can help change people’s lives for the better

FMM: What are some of the other inspirations behind this EP release?

Oliver: All the fans! The endless amount of support that I’ve received over the last 12 months have really motivated me to drop a lot of music… And we’re definitely not stopping here!

FMM: Do you have a personal favourite from the EP? Why?

Oliver: Hope you’re doing well has to be my favourite. It’s a super personal song for me; an ode to my future self. I’m excited to look back in three years or so and see how far we’ve come.

FMM: You’ve received a lot of success with your music. Earlier this year, Boys Don’t Cry hit 100k streams in just 24 hours and hit over four million global streams. That’s huge! Did you ever expect this reaction? How does it feel reflecting back on that success today?

Oliver: I didn’t expect it at all! It’s still crazy to me that people listen to my music, let alone that many. It’s really the best feeling in the world to know that I’ve been able to help and change people's lives all over the globe through my music.

FMM: For those who are coming across your music for the first time via this release, could you please share a bit more about you and your music?

Oliver: I'm really just a normal 20-year-old kid doing what I love. I make music for music lovers all over the globe.

FMM: Purple Sneakers described you as one of Australia’s most exciting future global exports. What’s next for you?

Oliver: Wow! That really is very kind. Strap in because it’s going to be a big year to come. Expect a lot more music, some crazy collabs, live shows and all that jazz!

Listen to more from Oliver cronin below

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