Futuremag Music

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Palais Interview - Our Instant Crush

If you aren't already familiar with the name Palais, you can bet your favourite producers are. This genre-defying artist is a firm favourite of those in the know, and his impeccable production style, and obvious wide range of musical influences makes the Palais sound easily recognisable but difficult to define. You'll develop an instant crush for this Perth producer, trust me!

Futuremag Music: How did you move into music?

Palais: I guess it's just always been something I've done in one way or another. As an angsty teen I originally wanted to sing in a hardcore band like Parkway Drive, until my friend then introduced me to Daft Punk and Justice and I haven't really looked back since. I took up DJing and started making money from that straight out of school so it kind of just became a hobby that's spiralled out of control. 

Futuremag Music: What are pieces of equipment/ programs do you use to create your music? 

Palais: Over the past year I've gone from renting a full studio in a warehouse to downsizing to my current tiny bedroom studio in my apartment. I like the simplicity of it but it can be difficult and distracting working from home sometimes. Until now I've pretty much just worked in the box on my laptop and a set of shitty KRK speakers, but I recently bought a Korg Minilogue synthesiser to reward myself for finishing the EP. I'm really looking forward to it becoming a staple in my future records.

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post

Futuremag Music: What is the general process of making a track? Do you have a structured plan going into making a single or do you just wing it? 

Palais: My main process is getting into the right headspace. There's no template for writing a track for me as that would probably lead to me producing the same song over and over again. I usually start my productions by going for a surf or doing some sort of exercise to clear my mind of any pressure I put on myself to write music that fits in with current trends or will get me radio play etc. Once my head is clear I can just write whatever comes naturally to me at that time and it's a lot more organic. 

Futuremag Music: 'Instant Crush' was a stunning pop piece, with your forthcoming EP is that the vibe are you going for? Is there an underlying message of the EP?

Palais: The Apolis EP doesn't really stick to one particular theme or have an underlying message that ties the record together. I think it more reflects a pretty chaotic and life changing year I had last year. I moved up to the city, was broke as shit, ended a long term relationship and as a result partied a lot. This EP feels like the end of one story and the start of a whole new one for me. It represents where I'm coming from as a DJ from Perth and where I want to be heading with my music in the future. 

Futuremag Music: Short term, how do you see the next 12 months turning out? Long term, what are your aspirations for the next 5 years?

Palais: Short term I want to be spending as much time in studio writing as much new music as I can. I'm also planning on building my live show and playing some shows around the place!

Long term I want to be spending as much time in studio writing as much new music as I can. Hopefully by then my live show will be on a similar scale to Adele's.

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post