sweeep x laplace - monuments
Two of my favourite producers in the scene, sweeep and laplace have combined their knowhow to release their sonically stunning EP, monuments.
Over its four tracks, monuments oozes with uneasy sentiments as sweeep and laplace bridge their immersive soundscapes. Opening the EP is ‘I can’t see’, a single that swells with eerie beat break downs and sweeping synths. ‘talking to myself’ maintains the ghostly aura as droning pads morph with poignant piano and altered vocal arrangements. ‘obsess’ gloomy undertones erupt into a minimalistic ensemble, blending traditional techno with subdued melodies signature to the pairs’ work with wave. monuments final track, ‘restless’ is an unsettling, glitch heavy composition void of clear instrumentation driven forward by IR1S’ melancholic melodies.
sweeep and laplace have forged an EP that is persistent in its eerie pacing and cryptic theming. If you’re open to experimentation, and unusual sonics you’ll love sweeep and laplace‘s monuments EP.