Futuremag Music

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Interview by Brooke Gibbs.

Adelaide-based band, Vermantics, have been hard at work writing new music and have now shared their debut EP with the world. We caught up with Stefan (vocals & guitar) to discuss the new EP.

FMM: Congratulations on the release of your debut EP. You must be feeling very over the moon.

Stefan: Yeah, I'm stoked. We're all super happy. It was long time coming, so it was great to finally have some stuff out that we love.

FMM: I've looked on your social media and it looks like a lot of people have commented on he release and have been excited for it. What are some of the reactions been like to it so far?

Stefan: It's been great. We've had a couple of the songs already been out for maybe like two months now, a couple of the singles, so that was some great response from those. And then into yesterday, we had other two songs drop on the EP and people seemed to love it, so it's been great. It's been so overwhelming and just stoked that we are able to put stuff out and people resonate with it and it’s exciting.

FMM: Did you guys have any big celebrations for the release?

Stefan: We actually didn't. We're sort of bit quiet when it comes to that sort of stuff. We're not really party people, but it was just a good day at home. We actually wrote more music, so that was good.

FMM: Of course, and sometimes quiet is good. How long did you guys spend working on this EP before it was ready for release?

Stefan: Interesting. We've had some of the songs there for maybe close to two years now. Two of the songs we had for a while, they've just been sitting there for a long time, but some of the other ones were just, like recent from this year. So just these songs sort of came together and they sort of felt like a package that we put them all out in the same sort of catalogue, which was good.

FMM: And speaking of putting it back together in one catalogue, it's called Tomorrow Might be Too Late, and it follows the theme of relationships. Was there an inspiration behind this or where did this come about from?

Stefan: Yeah, just like personal experience. I think when we wrote these songs, we really put our soul into it and what we sort of felt they all had that same sort of theme, so that's why they're tied in together. But, yeah, all personal experience, and I think that's what comes out on the songs with the emotion and stuff. We're stoked on how it turned out, I guess.

FMM: Definitely, and that's what makes it relatable to other people as well.

Stefan: Totally, yeah, exactly.

FMM: I really like sound. Was there certain bands or other artists that you guys draw influence from?

Stefan: Yes and no. We all have our own different influences, like all the four guys, all of us have different upbringings in music, so I think everyone's personal taste comes through and everyone does their part. No specific bands exactly that we just got ideas off of or anything like that. It was just like all of our experience and just writing what we do just organically. But I guess, just like that sort of rock sound. These ones are definitely a bit more poppy than some of the other stuff we have coming out next year. So, it's been cool. Something a little bit different to what we normally do. A little bit more poppy than some of the stuff coming up.

FMM: It sounds like you guys have been locked away writing for a bit. Why was now the perfect time to release that debut EP?

Stefan: I think we just had all these songs built up and then we just sort of had a bit of a plan mid this year that we're like, let's just consistently start releasing music that we love. I think we just sort of hyped it up a bit with a few singles before and then November is a cool time. We can have all summer just to smash that out. And then into the new year we'll start putting some new singles out. It just felt like the right time where we were at this year, I guess.

FMM: You have a show coming up next Saturday in Adelaide, I believe. That sounds exciting. What do you have in store?

Stefan: Yeah, super excited. We're from Adelaide, so it's going back home for us. We're going to play all of our songs that we love, definitely with the EP as well. It's always exciting going back home to play, so just always a good vibe and, I’m just keen.

FMM: What are you guys doing between now and then to prepare for the show and get ready?

Stefan: We just rehearse individually. Our drummer lives in Adelaide still, so we rehearse when we're together, I guess. We got a show the night before in Mount Gambia, which is like halfway between Melbourne and Adelaide, so that's a bit of a rehearsal there as well. But, yeah, just like our own personal stuff and we've been playing a fair bit in the last couple of months, so all those shows lead up and they just all link together, I guess.

FMM: Yeah, it's going to be a show that people aren't going to want to miss because I've seen that you guys have done some headline tours and they've been sold out since you guys have first started performing live, so what do you think it is about your shows that have people coming back for more?

Stefan: I guess we're just like a very live-orientated band. We sort of thrive when we play live, and I think that's just a big part of what we are. We make sure our live shows are really interesting and impactful and you want to come back and see it again. Probably our favourite part of being in the band is playing live, so I guess that definitely comes out when we perform. People just love it and it's just a good time.

FMM: For those who are coming across your band for the first time, can you give a bit of an introduction to, who's in your band and how you guys formed?

Stefan: Yeah, that's an interesting question, actually. So myself and my brother Daniel plays the bass. We've been playing music for a long time and we've got our cousin, his name's Julian, he plays the drums, and a mate from Adelaide, Jack, who plays guitar. So, all Adelaide. It's a pretty long story how we actually came together, because it was just a lot of coincidences. We didn't know our cousin Julian existed because our family is really big. So, yeah, it was just interesting it came together. What was it, like, 2021? And we all had a lot of common interests and stuff in music. We've been playing in bands individually for a long time and I guess it all just came together from there, just a massive bond and, yeah, it's a long story how it actually came about, but it was interesting.

FMM: Yeah, that's very interesting. I love that it's very family-orientated. How'd you guys work out that it was your cousin?

Stefan: A guy that we knew in Adelaide, like a mate of ours, were looking for a drummer at that point and he's like, do you know your cousin plays drums? And we're like, oh, what cousin? And it was him, the big Italian family. So it's just a lot of people to go through. But we eventually reached out to him and then, yeah, he knew us and we didn't know him. We just jammed and he was loving it, so we just linked up and that was it. Jack was another mate of our cousin. We didn't know Jack either. It's all just sort of intertwined. It was a big cycle, but it all happens for a reason, I guess.

FMM: Yeah, and it's incredible how it all worked out. Do you find it hard to balance the family and the band stuff, or do you guys keep the music and personal separate?

Stefan: We do everything together, so I guess it just feels normal. It's just like my life, I guess. Just like doing every day with my brother and playing. Yeah, it just feels normal. We sort of do have a good balance. We definitely switch off and stuff, do our own thing when we get time, but it just feels normal to be doing it all the time. So, yeah, just life, I guess.

FMM: How did the band name come about? Because it's very unique and catchy, which I quite like.

Stefan: Thank you. Interesting question. There was no real story behind the band name. We've been asked a lot of times. We always sort of just say, like, it's a secret. But, yeah, it was sort of on my computer. It was on my hard drive, just sitting there and it was there a while ago, maybe when I was like, 18, just having new band names and stuff, and this was always on my hard drive, and it just felt like the right time to use it. It just felt like the music that we started writing and everything just went with what it was. It's just an interesting thing. It's not really on the Internet, so let's just claim it.

FMM: I guess with all the artists out there now, it's very hard to find an available and unique band name in this day and age at the moment.

Stefan: A lot of things have been done. There's a lot of artists, I guess, in the world, so being unique is definitely important. Even just to find your music and stuff. I feel like if it's a generic name, it can get lost on Google, so just trying to be different.

FMM: Definitely, yes. You guys have some shows coming up. What do you else do you have in store for the rest of the year?

Stefan: We're putting out a cover of a Foo Fighters track that we've been playing live for a long time. Putting that one out in a few weeks, actually, which is exciting. Just dropping that and then just a bunch of acoustic videos. We're going to put out of the tracks from the EP, just things like that. A couple more shows to end the year, and then we'll just get back into the studio in December, getting stuff ready for next year, and then kick off into the new year with some new stuff, just after summer, I'm pretty sure.

FMM: Yeah, sounds exciting, and look, you can't go wrong with a good, ole Foo Fighters cover.

Stefan: Yeah, it's good. Love the Foo Fighters. So yeah, we've been playing it for a while, this song, so it always felt cool live, so we just want to do, like a live recording of it and we’re going to drop that in a few weeks. Haven't really said anything about that, but soon people would just see it, I guess.

FMM: So I'm assuming you're going to play that at the show next Saturday as well?

Stefan: Yeah, definitely. I've been playing it a fair bit and it's been cool. So it's Times Like These by the Foo Fighters, if you know that song.

FMM: Yes, cool. Well, we really look forward to seeing what more you guys put out into the world and seeing you live. Were there any other comments you wanted to add?

StefanL Just a massive thank you to anyone who listens to our stuff and shares it around. Appreciate it so much, and it actually means a lot when we get messages from people saying they love the music. It's super rewarding. So much work and days and hours go into it, so to see people enjoying it means a lot.