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Providing personable glimpses into music.

yeahsure. Interview - Content? yeahsure.

Meet Patrick Rohl, and Jack Toohey the legends behind multimedia agency yeahsure. yeahsure. are children of the digital age, they've grown up creating & consuming content from "old school" television and print to "new age" social marketing. As art directors & brand designers they recognise it is important to shed their client in the a timeless and crisp manner. They do not only recognise high quality work, they promise it!

You might even know some of their work! The yeahsure. crew has worked with the likes of Vera Blue, Nicole Millar, Young Franco, Joy, Stoney Roads x Pretty Shady, and even Mixmag! 

Futuremag Music: Hey guys, how've you been? Loving all your work! What has your relationship with media been like over the years? What was the catalyst that inspired you to follow cinema photography as a career?

Patrick: From about midway through high school I knew I wanted to do something with a camera. My first being a Nikon D90 which was also one of the first DSLR cameras to shoot video so my interest quickly went in that direction. I studied and worked in reality TV for a couple of years before meeting Jack and starting yeahsure. I think we have been extremely lucky with timing. We didn’t have social media growing up and even when we were in yr 12 a lot of the jobs that are around now didn’t even exist. The fast growing nature of media is something I love and keeps me on my toes.

Jack: I definitely got the buzz very young. I used to persuade my friends to star in various ’spoof’ movies I was making on my parents Mini DV Cam (Indiana Smith, Lord of the Bling and Home Alone Again were some of my smash hits). I guess I just never really stopped making videos and creating things from that point on. I never really saw myself in a future doing anything else, so it’s hard to pin point a catalyst. Does Star Wars The Phantom Menace count?

Futuremag Music: Of course, Star Wars is always the right answer! How did you move into the music industry, and how is it different to other industries you've worked in?

Patrick: It was quite an easy transition. I was hired to shoot The Rubens at Splendour in the Grass, and thats where I met Jack. We started working together and the rest they say is history. The music industry is drastically different to TV. The is a real hierarchy that comes in working in television. It is also a much bigger organisation with a lot of people doing very specific jobs. I like the music industry/small productions because I have a much bigger role across everything, shooting, editing, directing, you have to be good at a lot more things.

Jack: I’ve been working in and around the music industry for most of my adult life. There’s definitely a sense of everyone knowing everyone. I’ve always really loved music, I was lucky to have a teacher in high school who really instilled that in me. She taught me the idea that you don’t have to be a great musician (or a musician at all for that matter) to live a life involved with and passionate about music. So I guess I’ve just always been around and worked with musical people. 

Futuremag Music: What's your favourite piece of equipment and why? What else is in your equipment bag?

Patrick: My favourite piece of gear would have to be my RED Epic Dragon. It’s a cinema camera that changed my life because it got people to notice me in the early days. It’s also just a bloody good camera as well!

Jack: Well they don’t call me 'Fiddy Mill JT' for nothing. I don’t know what I’d do without my 4 Simga Art 50mm f/1.4 - that’s pretty much some up my kit.

Futuremag Music: What aspects/factors do you look for and/or create to capture the ideal photo or recording a clip?

Patrick: It depends on the shoot. At festivals for example, sometimes I like to use a real wide lens and get up close to people, get them reacting to the camera. Other times I like using a zoom lens and capturing people in the moment, unaware that they’re being filmed.

Jack: Keeping things natural. I really love to try and make things look and feel as candid and casual as possible. Love a good mid dance move smile.

Futuremag Music: You can see that in all of your work, it's candid, and beautiful. What is the process of composing, directing, and editing a music video, and putting it out into the world?

Patrick: I think Jack and I have a very unique way of creating music videos. We will bounce around ideas in the office, which normally involves Jack saying some outlandish crazy concept and me trying to figure out how the hell we shoot it. After that we have a very hands on approach from start to finish, shooting, directing talent, editing. It’s a long process but we enjoy seeing something come from nothing.

Jack: What Pat said. There’s some messed up parts of my brain that should probably be looked into.

Futuremag Music: What are your passions outside of cinema photography and music?

Patrick: You’ve kind of said it all there! I guess the only other thing would be water polo and swimming.

Jack: Stumped. There’s a world outside of this?

Futuremag Music: How do you see the next year pan out for yeahsure?

Patrick: I think we just want to keep riding the momentum we created last year. Make awesome clips and shoot awesome photos. Grow the team and have a bunch of fun doing what we love for work!

Jack: Dammit Pat - you keep stealing my answers. Ditto. Just want to continue growing the team and keep working with talented, fun, kind people and have a blast doing so. #yolo #fitspiration #itslitfam