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Yorke - First Light

A while back we covered Grace Hughes and her single, ‘Habit’. Now the Byron Bay artist has remerged as Yorke, and the project’s debut track ‘First Light’, is everything you could hope for!

Although ‘First Light’ is Yorke’s debut, the single holds aspects of Grace Hughes’ previous works, from the infectious hooks, lush lyrics, and overall polished persona. That said, the single portrays a sense of maturity, and depth that wasn’t fully established in the artist’s previous projects. Effortless vocals flow freely throughout ‘First Light’s sensuous soundscape. The accompanying production from Chris Collins of Tigertown is brimming with vibrant vistas that compliment, and heighten the Yorke’s charming character. With repeat listens, the track’s baroque texture cements itself into the mind, resulting in an enduring ensemble that’ll leave you grooving for days.

The Yorke project is a pleasing evolution for Grace Hughes, and I can’t wait to see what’s next.

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