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Providing personable glimpses into music.


Interview by Brooklyn Gibbs.

Luke Million a.k.a. ‘The Synth Lord’ is an Artist and Producer from Adelaide, South Australia. For over 10 years, Luke has shared his love of vintage synthesisers and drum machines, beaming their analog waveforms over radio stations and dancefloors across the world. Luke crafted his own "Future- Retro, Cosmic, Disco-Pop" sound with releases such as "Arnold", "Heard it On The Radio", "Light & Sound" and his wildly popular remix of the "Stranger Things Theme". 

This October, Luke has unleashed his 14-track debut album that leaves no synth in his museum worthy studio untouched. Harking back to his love of Italo Disco, Electronic Funk and Synth Pop, this is Luke Million in his true form.

Gina The Synth Cat is a nod to the concept albums of the past. Set in the cosmic wonder of space, it tells the story of Gina - a fearless kitty who has the fate of her civilisation resting in her paws as her planet faces an energy crisis. Navigating the stars by playing synthesisers, Gina must travel where no cat has before to find a renewable energy source. Along the way she will discover uncharted worlds, make new friends and fend off vicious space dogs. 

These unique visual elements combined with Luke at the helm on his Keytar ensures a neverseen before live show that will evoke the senses and leave you craving for Gina’s nextadventure.FMM: Huge congrats on releasing your debut album! How does it feel to have it out there and what has the reaction been like so far?

Luke: It’s an amazing feeling and it’s been hard to contain my excitement. I’ve been releasing music for 10 years and it feels like it’s all been leading up to this. The response has been great. I think my fans have appreciated my journey thus far and were hungry for a full-length release. 

FMM: How did you celebrate the release?

Luke: I actually didn’t get a chance to celebrate on release day as I had to go straight into live show prep mode. However, I just had a launch party last weekend in Adelaide so that was a perfect delayed celebration. 

FMM: Why is now the perfect time for your debut album?

Luke: After the madness of the last couple years, I wanted to come back with an offering that is fresh and unique. Now that the world is getting back on its feet, I feel this is the best time to launch into my next phase as an artist.

FMM: I love the visual imagery behind this release of Gina and space. What’s Gina’s mission?

Luke: Gina’s mission is to find a renewable energy source to save her planet. Technology on Planet Purrfection has advanced with a furious pace at the expense of their natural supply of Catinium. She navigates the stars by playing music on her vast array of synthesisers in her spaceship. 

FMM: Your sound is very unique. I love it! It takes me on a reminiscent journey to bush doofs! I’d love to hear about the inspirations behind these sounds.

Luke: There are so many inspirations to my sounds. I draw a lot on the synthesiser pioneers like Vangelis and Jean Michel Jarre and then French visionaries like Daft Punk, Air and Kavinsky. Throw in some Aussie talent like Flight Facilities, Touch Sensitive and Client Liaison mixed with my love of analog synthesisers and classical piano music. 

FMM: Do you produce all your own sounds? Do you mind walking us through your creative process?

Luke: I’ve always loved the process of creating all sounds from scratch. The creative process has no rules, but often it starts with a drum machine, a couple synths and a vision. 

FMM: What’s your gear setup look like for your production process?

Luke: My main studio room is set up with my favourite synths and drum machines. They are all turned on with their own separate channels through Universal Audio interfaces ready to record at any time into Ableton Live. Most of my production is done in Live but then I move to ProTools to handle the mixing duties. 

FMM: Any gear you’ve been meaning to add?

Luke: I’m pretty maxed out at over 40 synths right now, but I guess you can always find room for more. I have a wish list that includes some big classics like the Yamaha CS80 and the PPG Wave 2.2. I’m really happy with my current setup but might look at upgrading my studio monitors soon. 

FMM: For anyone coming across your music for the first time, how would you describe yourself and your music?

Luke: I describe my sound as “Future-Retro, Cosmic Disco-Pop”.  I capture my favourite bits of the past and bring that forward into the future. I have so much fun creating my music and hope that translates to people experiencing it in whatever environment they choose. Whether that’s on the dancefooor, driving a car or in their living room. 

FMM: You call yourself The Synth Lord. How did this name come about and what makes you the greatest synth lord of all?

Luke: The name came about when I released my Stranger Things Theme Remix. A presenter on Triple J referred to me as The Synth Lord and I really liked the sound of it. I wouldn’t call myself the greatest but I’m definitely throwing myself into the ring with my passion for acquiring and treasuring vintage synthesisers. 

FMM: I love hearing talented artists such as yourself produce these sensory journeys for our ears. What’s it like being in Adelaide and having this niche?

Luke: I’ve always loved Adelaide. I’ve been fortunate enough to travel the world and it makes me appreciate how good we have it here. I love that I can have my synth lab a 5 minute walk from the city and can catch up with friends to hang out or jam with little effort. It’s the perfect place to embark on synth journeys. 

FMM: What mark would you like to leave on the Australian music scene?

Luke: I’d like to further develop The Synth Lord moniker. When people in Australia think of synths, I want them to think of me. And above all, I just want to be known as someone who is accessible, open to collaborating and having a good time all the time in the most authentic way possible. 

FMM: What’s next for you?

Luke: I’m currently in the middle of a tour. I just played in Adelaide at The Lab, heading to the Melbourne Fringe 20-22 October at the ETU Ballroom and the Brisbane Fringe on the 29th at Felons Barrel Hall. There will be more Australian touring to come and I’ll also be diving back into the studio to continue Gina’s adventure. 

FMM: Anything else you’d like to add?

Luke: You can keep up to date with everything at 

Very soon a comic book will be available which visually tells the story of the Album.

Brooklyn Gibbs