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Providing personable glimpses into music.


Interview by Sam and Matilda Elliott.

Luude is a hitmaker and someone you can often hear across many fun times. He’s like a human version of a highlight reel for great times. From championing classic hits in samples, to his own incredible tracks, you're sure to have a Luude memory somewhere. 

As an artist and as a new label maker, Luude wants to create a space away from stereotypical marketing noise and expectations. He swaps out one of his many hats he wears well and creates his new venture, his label, No Instruction.

We had a chat with the icon himself about his newest venture and his process as a new label maker. Luude is a creator of many talents, but that is not all; he also boasts a new song, Fun in the Sun, with Harry Bee. We delve into what would make a great artist for Luude’s new label, his new song, and what we can expect coming up.

FMM: Congratulations on launching No Instruction. Can you share the inspiration behind starting your label and what you hope to achieve? 

Luude: It just started as an idea to have an outlet for some of the weirder Luude records that didn’t fit on the major label releases I was doing, but as we got it happening, we just started talking to more people and connecting with friends in our scene who wanted to be a part of it.

FMM: The label aims to create legitimate moments for artists. Could you elaborate on what you mean by this and how you plan to achieve it?

Luude: I’ve just been on the other side of marketing with teams asking you to make a TikTok and it’s sometimes just hard to do and feels awkward for people, so we’ve been doing parties recently teamed up with some friends and had 2000 people in a tunnel in Shoreditch. Those videos are now doing the rounds with songs from people on the label. It just feels a bit less forced, I guess. It’s also more fun

FMM: What’s the genre of artists you are looking to sign to No Instruction?

Luude: There’s always going to be the DnB connection. Garage is a big influence and we kind of sit in that pocket, but things can be loosely connected to that to without fitting in the box too strictly.

FMM: How can aspiring artists join Luude? That’s a pretty coveted spot we assume many would be after!  

Luude: At the moment, we’ve got a pretty loaded release schedule with the initial crew, but we’re starting to open a line for demos. There’s so many amazing producers out there, it’s crazy.

FMM: Following your times as a cult fave DJ in Aus in part of the duo, Choomba, to hosting Triple J’s The Nudge, to blowing up in your solo career with successful tracks such Down Under and Big City Life, how have these experiences of blowing up globally with these incredible tracks shaped your approach to running a label?

Luude: Honestly, it’s all just been surreal, and most of it has just been going with the flow and trying to have fun the whole time, just keeping moving and things happen, and I think that’s the same with this label. We just want to keep it simple and do things with people we like.

FMM: We are super excited to hear No Instruction will be hosting live events across the UK, Europe, and Aus. What can punters expect from a No Instruction event?

Luude: The content from our party in the street with Homebass might be out in the world by the time this interview goes live, and I think that’s probably a good indication of it - just super rowdy, fun, some real underground heady DJs mixed in with a bunch of lighthearted fun shit. Just a balance and a good time. I’m really keen to start building more of a theme for our parties, but that will come.

FMM: Your debut release on the label is Fun in the Sun with Harry Bee. How did this collaboration come about, and what was the creative process like?

Luude: Harry is one of my best mates in Aus. We just started the tune one day and rolled with it - wasn’t too much else to think about, we work pretty well together.

FMM: The single is described as one of your most requested IDs of the year. What do you think has contributed to its popularity?

Luude: I just think that big-gated vocal hits a bit different to the usual records out there. It’s a bit vibey, but still works in the set. I don’t know, the comments on the tune are great but, which is always nice.

So, there you have it! Be sure to back the new venture of Luude and give his newest track a go at your next fun time with your mates! 

Brooklyn Gibbs