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Providing personable glimpses into music.


Interview by Brooke Gibbs.

In August 2023, Matt James [Mashed N Kutcher] announced his diagnosis of Cancer (Multiple Myeloma). Matt has turned to creating music in a way that channels positivity, in what would otherwise be a challenging situation.  Matt has managed to write and produce It’s Aright whilst undergoing intense chemotherapy and specialist treatment.

In light of the opportunity, Matt will be donating 100% of MNK’s streaming artist revenue from this song to Cancer Research, Support and Awareness Every stream for life will contribute.

Futuremag Music caught up with Matt to talk about Myeloma and how listening to this song can help.

FMM: This is such a personal song to share with the world. Do you ever feel vulnerable at times sharing your story with a public audience?

Matt: Initially I wasn’t sure, but after some thought, I decided it was a really great opportunity to bring more awareness to the disease overall. Also, if I’m comfortable to talk about it in a public space, then hopefully others are too.

 FMM: It’s Alright follows your announcement earlier this year that you were diagnosed with Cancer. Thank you for sharing your story and your journey. Did this news come as a shock to you?

 Matt: Definitely was a massive shock to myself and the family indeed. I was otherwise healthy so was the last thing any of us were expecting to hear, to be honest.

 FMM: Through the Mashd N Kutcher project, you’re known for your dance anthems and have released some humorous ones, too. Did you find this particular song challenging to write compared to your previous work?

 Matt: For the first time in the project since inception, I’ve actually had some time away from socials and all the noise and been able to focus on writing music I really care about, and this is the first of many in that direction, which feels great 

 FMM: What I love about this release is that despite the topic of the song, it is still fun, upbeat and positive. Some DJs have done more stripped-back versions of personal songs, but you have stuck to what you’re known and loved for. Can you tell me more about this and why you went for this sound?

 Matt: It’s a mix of all my personal favourites; my love of sampling through hip hop, my love of house music, and a dash of disco. This is the sound to expect from MNK! 

 FMM: You managed to write and produce It’s Alright whilst undergoing intense chemotherapy and specialist treatment. That wouldn’t have been an easy task! How did you balance this?

 Matt: It’s been really good to focus on something positive and keep me productive, so mentally it’s been great to have the music there 

 FMM: You’ve mentioned that you have turned to creating music in a way that channels positivity in a challenging situation. How have your creative projects helped you navigate your physical health challenges?

 Matt: My number one focus has been my health, so to have something else to channel productivity just keeps me mentally positive and active.

 FMM: What are some things you learned about yourself during the process of producing this track?

 Matt: For the first time, I’ve really honed in on my sound and what type of music I’d like to represent the project the best. Very happy with the result.

 FMM: You’re donating 100% of the streaming royalties for the song to cancer research via Myeloma Australia. Why did you choose Myeloma and what are some ways they help people in similar situations to you?

 Matt: The team at Myeloma Australia channel a fantastic mix of Awareness Support and research funding so it’s a great way to reach all these avenues at once for Myeloma.

 FMM: How are some other ways your fans can continue to support you during this time?

 Matt: I think just enjoy the music and if the live show is coming to a town near you, get around it. The boys in the band are doing a ripper job in my absence and it’s a lot of fun.

 FMM: You’ve announced that you’re stepping away from social media and touring to reserve energy for writing and producing recordings. Are there any other projects you are working on at the moment you’d like to share?

Matt: Loads of new music coming, more than ever in the project’s history, so look forward to plenty of tunes in 2024 

 FMM: Any other comments you would like to add?

 Matt: Thanks so much for the interview and really appreciate the opportunity to spread more awareness about Myeloma. I’s a cancer that affects 22,000 Australians and specialists tell me that with enough funding, a cure could be on the horizon within 10 years which is extremely promising. In the meantime, every stream of the song helps so go enjoy it and get around it! X Matt 


Brooklyn Gibbs