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Tourist - Emily

Over the last few months, we’ve been following UK producer Tourist as he’s delved into some unique and interesting sounds with a series of new tracks. ‘Emily’ is the artist’s latest release and is the perfect fusion of his past work and newer production themes.

Once again, Tourist captures the maturity and emotional depth in ‘Emily’, that has been so prominent in his recent releases. However, the track is also fun, energetic and bold in its synth-goodness, comparable to the likes of ‘Run’ and ‘Never Stop’. The production structure is somewhat unexpected. The track builds a strong and comforting melody full of nostalgic vibes and a classic Tourist charm. It then reaches heights at the end with a flurry of distorted vocals, fiery synth and an intoxicating level of energy. With this compelling conclusion, ‘Emily’ delivers the intensity and strength that is so iconic of Tourist’s style.

‘Emily’ alongside Tourist’s other new singles are certainly setting the basis for a strong and exciting forthcoming album.


Emily, a song by Tourist on Spotify