Creative Conversation 003: Rollo Grey Introduces Us To His World
Interview by Luke Byatt
Meet Rollo Grey, a Melbourne based act making waves with his quirky, melancholic pop. Working with Morgan from SLUMBERJACK for his debut release ‘Midas’, Rollo Grey has positioned himself as figure to watch in the domestic pop sphere. We caught up with aspiring act to delve into ‘Midas’, his history with music and cocktails.
Futuremag Music: Hey Rollo Grey, how're you going?
Rollo Grey: Hey Futuremag, I’m doing great! Thanks so much for having me.
Futuremag Music: Congratulations with the release of your debut, 'Midas'! Before we jump into the single, could you please talk us through your musical journey thus far and how the Rollo Grey project was born?
Rollo Grey: Thank you! It’s a pretty surreal feeling to finally debut something that’s been such a long time coming. I’ve been experimenting and writing for this project for about 4 years, however I didn’t want to release anything until the tracks felt a little more cohesive and relevant to my vision. I have a degree in Musical Theatre, and whilst I hold a lot of respect for that creative medium, I realised through being immersed in that world that I wasn’t a pure blood MT performer. I suspect Rollo Grey was born from a desire to find creative freedom beyond the confines of someone else’s script- as well as the opportunity to express a much darker, more ominous corner of my personality. I think a large part of my psyche needed to develop a sense of permission before I could fully put myself out there. Permission to be bold and weird- but most importantly, permission to back myself and be proud of the work. It might have taken a while, but better late than never!
Futuremag Music: 'Midas' has an edgy yet palatable sonic, could you outline the songwriting and production process of the single? How did you loop up with Morgan from SLUMBERJACK for production?
Rollo Grey: I was very lucky to collaborate with many producers over the years on a number of tracks- and whilst some tracks may not see the light of day, no session was wasted as I never stopped developing my ever-growing aesthetic and collecting tips of the craft. Whilst I’ve had success writing in a number of ways, I’ve learned that my songwriting is most productive when I’m alone at the piano. Once most of the melody and lyrics have formed- I take it to the computer and experiment with synths and simple beats. I’m no producer, but I’ve developed some basic production skills that allow me to create demos beyond the acoustic sound.
‘Midas’ happened in an interesting way. I actually wrote a variation to the chorus and some of the verses back in 2017- however like many ideas, it slipped into the abyss that is my library of voice memos. Last year in 2019, I was experimenting with some synths and I created a baseline that reminded me of the initial idea. I finished the demo and sent it to my manager Josh Morris with the intention of finding the right producer to take it to the next level. I was so lucky he was friends with Morgan Then as not long after I was getting sent some amazing mock ideas for where the song could go. Morgan lives in LA so our correspondence was over Skype as we discussed references and vibes we’d keep and cut. Morgan’s a complete pro and I’m so grateful he got my vision whilst adding his own.
Rollo Grey by Michelle Grace Hunder
Futuremag Music: What's the plan for the rest of 2020 and beyond?
Rollo Grey: Hopefully release a few more singles! Now the floodgates have opened, I have no intention of slowing down. Being the first single of an independent indie artist, I was under no delusions that it would suddenly launch me to where I want to be. It’s the very important first step of many to come. Admittedly I’m struggling with the fact that I only have a singular 3 minute song to represent my work…so fingers crossed the 2nd and 3rd singles drop soon for the sake of my sanity. If we’re talking fantasies, I’d love to release an EP this year or early next year as I much prefer the songs as a collection.
Futuremag Music: To wrap it up if the Rollo Grey project was a cocktail, what would be in it to best describe yourself and your sonic?
Rollo Grey: Hmmm. The hardest question of all! I’ve thought about this long and hard. My initial thought was the “Dark n’ Stormy” for its obvious correlation to the genre of music, however I can’t in good conscience suggest a cocktail I wouldn’t drink. After much deliberation and negotiation with my aesthetic (and tastebuds)- I’m going to say a “Dark Cherry Amaretto Sour”. A bit sour, a bit sweet and a bit dark.