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Providing personable glimpses into music.

SOPHIE LOWE Interview - Diverse Talents

After the release of her stunning and introspective new single ‘Taught You How to Feel’, we interviewed Sophie Lowe about her life as an artist and an actress.

Futuremag Music: Hey Sophie! ‘Taught You How to Feel’ is a really beautiful and emotive song, was it catharising to write and create such a personal track?

Sophie Lowe: Hello! Thank you for the nice words! Yes, it felt very nice to get things off my chest and to be able to put it to music felt even better. I’m grateful that I have a producer (Neal Sutherland) who makes me feel comfortable enough to get to these places. 

FMM: What/who inspired your vision for the single?

Sophie Lowe: I was in a bad place that I eventually woke up from. I just wanted to capture that feeling for this song and then let it go forever. 

FMM: In addition to being a musician, you’re also an actress. How do you balance these two careers?

Sophie Lowe: I have a lot of down time on set / in between acting jobs so I write songs whenever I feel it. Booking shows and touring is difficult as I never know where I’m going to be! Like for example, I’m in Prague right now working on a film for three months, but I did not know I would be here until just a week before I flew across the world. Writing the songs is my favourite part though. Luckily, it is portable. Hopefully I will be able to do some shows soon. 

FMM: The music video for ‘Taught You How to Feel’ was directed by Bonnie Wright who you worked with in the film After the Dark. Do you find a lot of connections between making music and acting?

Sophie Lowe: I think there is a similarity between music and acting because for me, they are both about being open and honest and vulnerable. But my music is directly personal and when I’m acting I am someone else. 

Bonnie and I have stayed close since working together. She is an amazing director. She shot my first ever video clip for a song called ‘Dreaming’ in 2014. She knew how personal ‘Taught You How To Feel’ was to me. She saw first hand what I went through. I trusted her to bring it to life. She did such a great job! I am so happy with it.

Sophie Lowe shot by Bonnie Wright

Sophie Lowe shot by Bonnie Wright

FMM: Do you have any exciting plans in store for 2019?

Sophie Lowe: After working so intensely on this film in Prague, I am excited to just go home to Australia and spend time with my people. 

I am writing more music and will release it at some point. I am loving life at the moment, and just taking that all in is a priority for me. 

FMM: Lastly, if you and your music was a cocktail, how would you best describe it?

Sophie Lowe: It would change every night. So whatever you feel like in the moment is the right choice. 

FMM: ‘Taught You How to Feel’ is a beautiful single. Thank you so much for your time.

Sophie Lowe: Thank you very much! :) x 

Taught You How to Feel, a song by Sophie Lowe on Spotify